Beyond Fucked


Alexa, Music, Merchandise, Concerts, Facebook

Alexa, write my blog post for me. That's right I don't have Alexa, and it probably wouldn't do it.

I released another song, obviously my marketing strategy sucks as I made zero dollars from the first. I don't know what I am doing, releasing music is just a hobby project. I need to make music videos. Hey Alexa, make music videos for me. I don't have Alexa, fuck.

I am selling merchandise on Amazon, have basically sold fuck all. Though I'm selling double what I expected in the past two months, I guess this is good.

Had no concerts or trips this year, but have about five concerts next.

Facebook went down yesterday. Do you know what? GOOD! It's a stupid site with stupid algorithms and even stupider people. For some reason they won't put me in facebook jail, going there would save a bunch of time. I'm an insulting bitch, why won't they put me in jail. It doesn't make sense. Fuck facebook.
Posted at 06/10/2021 06:16:28 UTC 139 comments

Idiots, comedy, books

On social media I've just been relentlessly mocking idiots since lock down and I'm not going to stop. There's nothing else to do. I can't go to concerts due to fucking idiots, especially fucking idiots who run countries. If humans were smarter we'd have eliminated the virus by now. I don't see the evidence that there's a way out of this. I hope I am wrong. Meantime I will poke fun of idiots. Get vaccinated if you can. If you can and don't you're putting others at risk and increasing your chance of dying from Covid. Also if you have a penis you could get erectile dysfunction if you get Covid. I am very glad that I live in Aotearoa where there has been fewer cases!

I was supposed to perform comedy for the EastGate celebration of the Hapai Access Card, I guess that's postponed. It's rare I perform comedy, because I'm a nerd and don't like being around people, that wasn't a joke.

One of my best friends has edited "The Confessions of a Partying Cripple" go and buy it at Amazon. DADDY NEEDS A NEW PAPERCLIP! That's likely all I would be able to afford with the profits. I may do a book about my experiences with comedy. Someone said that the book may not do well if it was just me constantly complaining. Counter point, complaining is kind of what I enjoy doing. And comedians constantly whine about free speech, so eh fuck it. I am not going to hold back if I do it.
Posted at 01/09/2021 08:10:46 UTC 52 comments

Music, gig, comedians.

Well I released a trance track, which is electronic music for people who don't know. What a fuck around. I got banned by my first distributor, they wouldn't say why, because they're assholes. So I am trying with another distributor but they take 21 days to review. i am not happy, I was thrilled to start releasing music. Hopefully I won't get banned this time. The only bright side is it gives me more time to probably develop my new video creation software.

I went to a trance gig, there was no majorly annoying people. A woman screamed at me, maybe she thought I was going to run into her; I didn't. It was good to go out. I feel like I could have played better tracks, but even so most DJs were enjoyable.

I know I complain about comedy lots but I am starting to really hate comedians. Either they whine about cancel culture or say that I complain too much. I am the grumpy cripple, that's kind of my ENTIRE FUCKING THING. Comedians have got to be the most sensitive fucking snowflakes even, and I am a member of the disability advocacy community. Even disability advocates don't whine and cry as much as comedians. Some get pissy about obvious jokes, some get pissy about honest opinions.. I am done, I REALLY don't want to be referred to as a comedian anymore. Comedy wouldn't fuck me off so much if people refered to me as a programmer, I have spent fucking 20 years programming but did comedy for five minutes. People still only refer to me as a comedian, even after doing fuck all gigs (by choice) for five years. I would like ideas on how best to burn bridges on stage comedy. Feel free to message me.
Posted at 04/08/2021 07:10:43 UTC 57 comments

random shit, text to video technology

Sometimes I do random shit. Comedy was random shit. Problem was I originally intended to do it very casually and it took over my life for five years and people won't stop referring to me as a comedian. Which is unbelievably annoying, but not relevant to this post.

Writing a partying book was random shit.

Now I am launching a trance and pop parody artist. This is a hobby project and I don't want to be famous. I want to keep my name out of it as much as possible. I'll just release random music and videos. Not ruling out performing to people but I really can't be fucked with fame, maybe I could perform locally. But eh my only goals are releasing music/videos and increasing the visibility of people with disabilities in music videos. I'd need to find some who want to put their faces out there.

Music videos have given me a chance to revive my text to video software, which will enable me to create videos with programming code. I started the system late last year, then got busy with other stuff. I have recently progressed the code and I think it'll be operational in July. I'll release comedy videos too. I have always wanted to do scripted comedy videos. Soon I'll finally be able to do it.
Posted at 01/07/2021 04:07:22 UTC 44 comments

Partying websites, disability projects, music videos, gig, access needs

I launched my EDM interview website. I now own 3 websites in the partying space. 3 more planned. Plus I sell music shirts and a partying book. This isn't my biggest network. Definitely in the top three.

I am going to expand my disability website network too. To my surprise it appears some people have trouble reading websites and they need a font size selection feature. It's baffling that this isn't embedded in phones. But oh well, I can release a free tool and hopefully get free promotion for my network. Why not? I am actually helping people!

I also plan to release completely ridiculous music and music videos. I plan to work with people to do this.

I went to an EDM gig. Um there were two really annoying people there, and I was too sober. Otherwise it was good.

According to some stupid people: people with disabilities are to be called people with access needs. Could these people please fuck off and actually do something useful and not change the fucking terms every three minutes. You're not helping people, all you're doing is verbally farting and blowing it everywhere so people can't focus on actual issues. Me? I build accessibility tools. You? You change language and people with disabilities hate the fucking stupid language you make up anyway. Fuck you, you're useless.
Posted at 02/06/2021 09:37:45 UTC 60 comments

Dum and bass, Wellington, rant, cripples, phone

I went to a drum and bass gig. People are fucking weird. Here's a tip: if you ask me every two minutes if I am having fun, I am probably not as you're being fucking annoying. Someone called me his hero, I thought get a grip!

Something always bad happens when I go to Wellington. This time on a day trip I couldn't land back in Christchurch so I had to stay overnight. I couldn't get a taxi to the accommodation so I had to travel via foot path. It was a Saturday night. People in wheelchairs should be able to get taxis on a Saturday night. We're second class citizens.

People say "It's good to see you out and about". Well fuck you! Perhaps more people with disabilities would go out if society wasn't so fucking inaccessible! Buildings are inaccessible, taxis are impossible to get, clubbing assistants are flakey. Oh, but people say I am an inspiration. Please fuck off!

On another note I've been meaning to fix up so it ranks in the search engines. I have no idea when I am going to get to it. My DJ interview website should launch in a few days. Then I have a few other projects to do. Maybe I can start on in August.

I finally have a new phone after 12 years. It has shit accessibility. Maybe I can do things to improve accessibility. I can finally go on Grindr. But what is the point? On NZDating the only people wanting to have sex were undesirable. I deleted my account, waste of fucking time. I'll probably go on Grindr then delete my account a few days after.
Posted at 06/05/2021 05:41:19 UTC 59 comments

Synthphony, communication software, projects

I went to Synthphony 2020. Too much house, not enough trance. House music bores me for the most part. It was a good event though. I didn't like how "I Need A Miracle" was performed, too slow. People weren't too annoying apart from a guy who kissed the behind of the forehead. What the fuck? He obviously wasn't hot otherwise I wouldn't be complaining. Some guy called me his "hero for being here", people need to get a fucking grip.

I used my own communication software for the first time. Predictive text didn't work, hopefully I'll fix that next week. I need to sort out saving documents so I can do blogs away from home. My old device is dying but things should be running smoothly soon.

I am hoping the Artificial Intelligence company I'm involved with won't take up as much time as initially thought. My next big project will be text to video software so I can use text to easily create videos. I don't expect it to be running for six months at least. This will make it easier for me to release comedy videos. The videos will probably look like shit, but oh well that's part of the fun. Before that I plan to launch a DJ interview website, I am launching other stuff too.
Posted at 08/04/2021 23:05:06 UTC 68 comments

Projects, Electric Avenue 2021

As stated last year I joined a charity board. I also own a tiny part of a comedy club here in Christchurch. I have also accepted an unpaid position interviewing TV celebrities. I like interviewing celebrities. It's a temporary arrangement. I'll launch my own interview website in time. For now I am too busy and it's good to utilize an existing brand. I am working on launching some new low maintenance websites, the first is up.

I stopped work on my fiction books for now. Fell out of the habit of writing a little bit each night. Finding a cover model went nowhere. I'll continue the writing eventually. I did write a small production and submitted it to a studio. I did it not knowing if they accept writers. It's also not something I can discuss publicly. As for my comedy productions I'll focus on scripted comedy productions after an artificial intelligence company up. Even though I got bored of the project and currently launching some new websites. I still need to make myself available to the AI company, hopefully not for too much longer.

Oh I went to Electric Avenue. I decided it was better to go later as I don't like leaving my computer. Sad but true. Saw Benny, P Money. I didn't see Scribe, I wish that I had but I was enjoying the DnB tent too much. A woman was dancing with me, it didn't matter how much I was purposely ignoring her, she was dancing with me. Also people really need to stop fucking asking me if I am OK, it's just annoying. Unless I'm screaming just assume I'm fine. I was ment to go to another festival but I am a nerd, I really like avoiding going out if I can help it. It's a struggle to go to meetings endlessly.
Posted at 03/03/2021 07:34:10 UTC 55 comments

Projects, Music festivals, Burdens

Spending my spare time on mostly one project is really annoying. I want to do other stuff but I can't. Hopefully I can get the project up this month and move on. I need to get back to more passion projects.

In work time I have doubted the amount that I am spending developing windows accessibility software. I need the solution up soon as my hard drive on my old portable computer is dying. Maybe the first prototype will be up next month.

I have three music festivals coming up. I may wear gloves for people to fist bump, because of covid etc. A mask might be overkill but I don't know. I was fist bumping people every two minutes last time.

Nothing much is happening. I keep getting annoyed by having to answer emails and meet with people about my disability care. For fuck sake I'm a workahollic, I don't want to spend time discussing equipment etc. Having a disability is a burden, sorry but it is. It's made worse by fucking endless meetings about equipment and inaccessibility of society. Fuck sake.
Posted at 03/02/2021 08:28:52 UTC 37 comments

2020, Future, Computer, Negativity

Well 2020 sucked for me, but not solely because of covid. If it was just Covid the year would still have sucked, but not as much. Covid also had significant upsides for me, let's say I took advantage of some things and I am in a better position than I was before Covid. Not traveling sucked. I am fearful that the vaccine won't solve the problem but am holding out hope that it will. What sucked for me was some of my online accounts got shut down. The payment processor issue was my own fault; eventually I may just delegate payment processing to other people but I see no urgent need. The other account getting shut down was probably my fault too. However because of this I tried some alternative business models, it isn't working out and maybe I should quit. However I'll reconsider quitting in a few months.

I also joined a charity board and am now on the board of an artificial intelligence company, if the latter pays off I have some big plans! I'll invest half of the money though. Maybe I can invest much of the other half in a gay club and other vanity businesses. I also wrote a book this year, had fuck all sales. I'm not entirely clear if I will bother with comedy books. I am just writing erotica for now, this is kind of a hobby side business. I can't find a cover model. I am still tweaking the first manuscript. Maybe I can launch the first book in March. I am not planning to expose my pen names on personal profiles but will tell some close friends. I also plan on developing a text to video system so I can create videos with computer coding. I may do other ideas but it's not worth putting out there in case I don't do them. All the stuff I mentioned I'm definitely going to do.

Oh my computer almost died which would have been an utter fucking disaster. Nobody responded to my facebook post about it, apparently I have useless friends. I mean really! It was a fucking emergency and nobody responded. Luckily I did get help. So thanks to the guy who helped. Facebook proved again to be fucking useless.

I'm going to write more negative blog posts this year. Being negative is my source of fun. Fuck knows I can't travel any time soon, I have to do something to entertain myself. Positively is boring and many people just fake it anyway.
Posted at 06/01/2021 06:22:11 UTC 48 comments

Gig, videos, book release, trance

I performed my last gig, people were complimentary. Now I'll focus on doing comedy away from the stage. My text to image technology still needs some work. I won't start on text to video technology for a few weeks yet. The entire point of the text to video technology is so I can release computer generated comedy videos. Perhaps I can realistically start in March or something. The text to image technology took more fine tuning than I thought. I am currently using it to design merchandise, it just doesn't have all of the abilities that I need yet.

I have released The Confessions of a Partying Cripple. I expected more sales. I was going to write a few more nonfiction books, but now I don't know. I didn't expect to be a massive success but eh. I really just wanted to say "I wrote the book on disability and partying". It was the #1 new release for two categories and got into the top 10 in overall sales for one. I may have been obsessively checking the sales ranks. All these achievements and only 10 sales. It would be good stand up humor. It would be VERY easy to send BS sales to get a #1 spot and get the clout. I am too cheap to do this. All I am saying is based on this experience if you truly wanted BS best selling clout, it's really not that difficult to do. This is nothing new; some of the people on the New York Times list buy their own books. Maybe I'll continue writing nonfiction books in my spare time, starting again next year. I'm definitely not doing this for the money. I think I've only made $12US overall. I still want to do non comedic fiction under a pen name, again not for the money. I'd be utterly delusional if that was my only motivation.

I was thinking about comedic fiction books. I think YouTube videos would earn more money. I could put some of the money back into videos and produce more and better content. I envision revenue from merchandise would be another way to do this, but had fuck all sales. Hopefully things will build up everything. Satirical "make money online" videos would be a good place to start, the revenue would be higher and I want to make fun of these guru idiots selling people crap. I have the first animated video but I am waiting for my text to video software to complete it. Yes I should complete it sooner, I just can't be fucked operating video editing software.

I am probably going to get involved in one or two things offline too. I'm considering releasing trance mixes too. I do a lot of stuff because I really don't have a life, or partner, and I don't really like people hahaha.
Posted at 30/11/2020 21:26:40 UTC 30 comments

Comedy, Projects, Humanity

I performed twice virtually last month, enjoyed the first show more. I liked performing virtually. It just takes a while to get used to the two second delay in laughs. I don't like traveling in vans, it's an unproductive waste of time. Not having to do that was good. Oddly I'm more tolerant of traveling to other cities for concerts, which I can't do now due to fucking Coronavirus. I have a gig later in the month. Then in all likelihood I'll discontinue stand up comedy but still work on comedy projects. I actually now own a stake in an upcoming company, so I may have to seriously reduce projects going forward.

It is an Artificial Intelligence company. All I will say is there's capital behind it. Nothing major and it's been mostly spent on the technology. I hope this works out. I still want to do hobby projects such as videos, books, certain websites. I'll also do merchandise designing and some programming projects. I'll see what I can outsource/(semi) automate in my network. I'll probably get writers for my content websites.

Also, I'm kind of done with the human race right now due to a moronic referendum result and the fact that 45% of Americans would still elect a moronic crazy person. I don't like humans, and I'm not going to spend my time entertaining them, OK? I'll still release blogs, videos, books and merchandise. I just don't like humanity enough to build a career being around people, never have!
Posted at 07/11/2020 06:15:19 UTC 573 comments

Tto do lists, comedy, shirts, books

So I completed a few things on my to do list. I did comedy in drag, that set went better than expected. Unfortunately it wasn't videoed so maybe I'll perform again in October. Actually I'm performing another set virtually in October. However nothing has changed. I am a computer geek, I prefer it this way. I did do another set in September, people enjoyed it. The other thing on my to do list was designing T shirts. I have done like 46 in two months. Apparently you need hundreds to earn real money. Hopefully I can get better at graphics too, I am learning some new skills.

I am doing it quicker and quicker. My goal was two a week. I have done 16this past week. So will continue this and see where it leads. My strategy is basically throwing shit against the wall and seeing what sticks and

I am about a month behind on book publishing. Not exactly my fault as I am trying to fix a corrupted volume 2 manuscript. Volume 3 wasn't corrupted but maybe I'll do a few days of editing. If I do my partying book will be delayed until November or December. Fuck!

Started my first very short fiction which will be released under a pen name. My other fiction books in the particular genre will be 2-3 times as long. I am doing a very short book to start. If I can tear myself away from the genre I'm doing I'll do short comedy fiction next year.

Not sure if I want to do political comedy fiction. Orange Buffoon is already ridiculous enough. I have no idea what I want to do. Maybe a newsroom spoof in the Buffoon era, that might be fun. I know that I just said no I don't want to do political comedy, but the characters would react to real life events. I imagine that I'll do a book following a candidate but for now the newsroom idea sounds great.
Posted at 01/10/2020 06:38:12 UTC 32 comments

Books, Comedy, Products

Had another set back today but oh well. I am finally republishing my books and my partying book will be selling either this month or next.

I am doing drag comedy at Good Times Comedy Club September 14th, just because I can. No I am not returning to professional comedy, it's just something to do.

I was at a party the other week and people were still wanting me to do comedy. Um I am not a people pleaser. I did try do do a set and the fucking text to speech wouldn't work, no idea why. So people were reading my set on my computer and laughing.

I am thinking of doing disability related videos to promote my books. Problem is I don't like personal brands. I need to find a balance of not getting too high profile but if still promoting my books.

I am too busy to work on animated videos however I expect to work on all sorts of videos after my partying book is published. I may do some second editions but I want to do some fiction first.

Random rant: So many people fake positivity. I wish people can be honest about how miserable they are. I know people fake happiness for therapeutic reasons but I think it's OK to say life is fucked up, because it is. I don't think positivity is productive. I think that people that force themselves to be positive are less likely to make their life better. Although sometimes you can't. I just find it all so fake. Negativity doesn't have to be a bad thing; You can turn it into humour and make people laugh. At least I can, if you get my humour, and if you don't, sucks to be you I guess.

I like making myself laugh and if I make other people laugh, that's a bonus. On the other hand books, shirts and videos will be mainly for other people. They're also assets I'm building. All of my websites are assets too, it'd help if they were cash flowing assets Problem with shirts is I'm a shitty marketer and a crap designer, oh well. I am hoping that my designs will get better and eventually I'll have enough decent ones for a bit of income.
Posted at 02/09/2020 06:22:35 UTC 22 comments

Business, achievements, trance

My internet business is kind of fucked, much more than usual. This isn't covid related, or sales related. I am an extremely crappy salesman. I am reducing software development time to focus more on T shirts and books. Basically software development wasn't working out and something happened to make it totally fucked at this point but I will definitely get back to it eventually. I just feel doing content websites and releasing shirts/books are easier to get up. I am still doing lots of programming in my spare time.

I suddenly feel like writing erotca under a pen name. Obviously I'm going to release the existing books I have written first. I probably would want to write the first book this year.

Little progress on the videos I mentioned last month. It's a problem of getting around to editing images. Hopefully I can get around to it soon.

I feel like I am not successful, but in a few months I'll have two actively selling books and a library of T shirt designs. So that's an achievement.

I'm getting a new communication device with my own software on it. To be honest the project has been fucking frustrating and if I didn't need the software myself because the other software was so shitty I would have given up. The problem is also spending so much time on a project that if you gave up you just wasted years of your life.

People say I do too much blah blah blah. Firstly my strategy is if one project succeeds I'll pour capital in the other projects and keep growing. Secondly how many people have performed comedy overseas, authored books, had a massive software business (over a decade ago), created their own accessibility software, have additional websites in industries they love, have amused thousands of people, hell my ideas have amused hundreds of thousands of people (through someone stealing my ideas), my set was retweeted by Dawn French too, I have interviewed loads of people including a politician, OK now I'm narcissisticly listing (some of) my achievements. What is my point? I am brilliant! I don't always broadcast my successes, even though I am doing that now, I am still leaving some jucy stuff out. I have written software that allows me to do stand up, chair meetings and speak at universities even though I didn't finish high school. I could be more famous, I just choose not to do that. Even though I haven't had as much success as I like, most people haven't done what I have done. Things will turn around.

I went to a trance gig, finally. Only been listening to trance for eight years. It wasn't in Europe but much cheaper. I am not really into any sort of pride but I am glad that I live in New Zealand at this time.
Posted at 06/08/2020 06:46:02 UTC 15 comments

Books, videos, tangents

Fuck, it's July.

I really should get my two books published, I need to finish my second book. I also can make videos now. Typical Thane with Shiny Object Syndrome. I need to published my books, then go hard on videos. Doing just one video first though.

I am going to stop commenting on others' Facebook. People don't understand the things I say and try to debate points I didn't even make. I swear this is happening the majority of the time I comment, it's been like this for months I am probably a terribly communicator. I am also not very tactful or respectful. Well I have shit to do. I just want to get my thoughts out ASAP and move on with my day. Time to stop commenting.

One thing I like about animating videos is I don't have to deal with people, or fucking funding applications. I can't be bothered with either of them. Previously filled out two or three applications, I know this is not a lot. Again, I have shit to do. I don't want to waste time filling in applications when I could be building something. On the other hand, filled in an application, got a few trips to Brisbane. I also don't even like going out of the house, or fucking traffic. Traveling in a van is not productive. Now if I could teleport somewhere, do a set, teleport back right after, that could work. Otherwise going out is just largely unproductive. Releasing productions from the comfort of my bedroom suits me fine I can create brands, I don't want my name attached to most things that I do. I don't like how everything is people oriented. I don't care who's staring in a movie, I just want to know whether it's good. Ignoring the fact that I haven't seen a movie in five years. Again, I have shit to do. I don't like the media, the media usually covers me wrong, so it can fuck off. Getting recognition is completely overrated, I don't understand society's obsession with getting credit, fame, fans. I just want to write productions and put them on screen.. It'll probably still take a fuck lot of time, but most of the time will be spent doing things. I'll also release more comedy this way. I even forgotten that I wrote some scripts. I can't wait to get this pumping!

Clarification, basically the only things I like doing are going to bigger cities or seeing an international musician. Perhaps partying on other occasions. This is mostly fucked due to Covid.

This is unexpectedly full of tangent rants, so let's do another one and hate on the internet in general. Every few months a person gets slammed for saying a stupid thing, or doing stupid/offensive things 10 years ago. The people probably deserve it most of the time. The reason why I refuse to attach my name to businesses is that I know I am an offensive jackass. I am more comfortable controlling entities rather than randomly dealing with boycotts because I offended some group of people. Again I don't need recognition, I am happy doing things from behind the scenes. On the one hand this is not brave but I feel it's the most sensible way. Also many famous people are miserable, and I fully understand why. Many artists are depressed, does them being famous actually help them? Many end up in an early grave. This is a tangent on a tangent. Yes, I am not putting my eggs in one basket then being at the mercy on people on Twitter. Entities and brands are the way to go. At the same time I don't want to invalidate the boycotts. Some people on Twitter are absolute morons just looking to be offended and/or take you out of context. However most of the calling out people on issues have been decent. I am sure you can find some over the top reactions though.
Posted at 02/07/2020 04:24:56 UTC 125 comments

Books, Coronavirus, Puppy

At the beginning of the year I started a partying book. The plan was to go to Sydney and Europe to finish it, obviously that's not going to happen. I am thinking of finishing it in July. I also need to get my other book back up.

Nothing much is happening, people are still posting crap on Facebook. I have decided that people wanting the virus should create their own city and get it, party, do whatever, have a blast. Just don't come back without antibodies. I don't mind if people are anti lock down, but can you stop with the incredibly stupid arguments that do nothing but broadcast to the world that you can't understand extremely basic stuff? If you just don't care whether masses of people get the virus, well that position doesn't display that you're absolutely ignorant of how to process the numbers. I disagree with it but you're less fucking stupid than some people. If you don't like me calling people stupid, I don't care, I should have been calling people stupid all along. I am done with people. Perhaps emotions come into it. Emotions hinder logic. Anyway I'm sick of hearing from these people, they're free to fuck off to an island and get coronavirus. Then they'll probably complain about something else.

A puppy now lives with me part-time. She's at least friendler than the other dog my sister brings over. I don't have to clean up her messes or pay for her, that's suits me. I have the urge to start a disability personal finance blog and I could include tips like if you're disabled (or if you're offended by labels, crippled) and don't want to pay for a pet just get an assistant with a pet, problem solved. I'd also love to do a satirical blog. I already have too many blogs and websites.
Posted at 03/06/2020 08:16:30 UTC 145 comments

Ranting about people and Coronavirus

This fucking pandemic would be more tolerable if people weren't posting the same stupid shit on Facebook. Obesity, car crashes are not infectious diseases. You can't get obesity by going to McDonalds one time and it knocking you off within three weeks, how do people think this is remotely similar? People have a fantasy of separating people who are OK with the virus with the people who don't want it. This is idiotic. Even if you could separate them (you probably can't) they'll be doomed inside for about six months. However if the rest get the virus at the same time that'll fuck the medical system and people couldn't get cancer treatment. More importantly they don't know the long term health effects of it and at least some can get it again. Sorry but this pandemic seems to have disconnected people's brains. Apparently the lock down is working, I hope that the virus is eliminated, which will buy us some time for treatment to be available. It'll probably resurface when our borders open up. By the way to people who say reopen the economy what do you think a up to 5% reduction of country's population will do to the economy? What about the aged care sector? Well there will be less need for rest homes if 20% of their clientele died. Mass death is probably not a good economic stimulant.

I have been more social on Zoom than most times in the past decade, well at least half decade. I don't like going out so it's more convenient to join a zoom meeting.

I am producing a comedy and female vocal trance radio show this month, not sure when it'll air but I guess contact me if you want to know.

Posted at 06/05/2020 04:15:57 UTC 106 comments

Coronavirus, TTS

New Zealand is on lock down because of the fucking coronavirus. I thought that the virus was no big deal at first, obviously I was wrong. I regret not getting sex while I could, I could have gotten some in Sydney but my passport expired. Yes I am ranting about sex. I'm a workahollic nerd; saying at home really doesn't affect me that much as I really don't like going out anyway. Some concerts cancelled, I can't go overseas, no big deal.

Actually the most annoying thing about this fucking virus is Emails from organization asking how I am. Bitch, I am busy and don't have time for your Email. I have also gotten countless Emails from random companies about the virus. If you're not shutting down my service GO AWAY! I don't care what you're doing with your company! Fuck!

While I'm ranting I have no time for idiots. Idiots can fuck off, they're endangering people's lives with their stupid bullshit. Dumb fuckers still don't believe that this virus is that bad. You have to be a special kind of narcissistic fuckwitt to think that you know better than public health experts at this stage. Many people are just fucking stupid! Er I had two hours sleep last night so I am probably extra bitchy. Can you tell? Perhaps you can't.

I did suddenly wanted to do comedy but my gig was cancelled. Going out was probably a really bad idea, though I probably wouldn't have got it anyway. I probably sound like a dumb person on the news. That's OK, at least I know when I am hypocritical and stupid. But seriously there was only about 20 infections in New Zealand at the time, the chances of getting an infection was really really low. I still want to do drag comedy at some stage, just because it'll be fun.

Today I started going through some electronic dance music tutorials. I have been meaning to learn for years. I still have no desire to be famous, I just want to learn how to make electronic dance music, specifically trance. I'd happily DJ in a gay club with hot shirtless guys, that would be pretty cool. Perhaps I'd release music through a stage name or produce music for other artists. I wouldn't mind doing that.

What sucks is I was mainly building event listing software and now all events have been cancelled. There's no point releasing it until this fucking virus is gone.

On the bright side it's a good time to invest in event companies, airlines, or most companies really since stocks have collapsed.

I have almost finished remote text to speech software. This will allow me to transfer live text to speech files through the web so it'll be like I'm speaking to the person. I pretty much only need to test.
Posted at 01/04/2020 06:30:09 UTC 65 comments

Electric Avenue, Partying Book, Websites

I went to Electric Avenue festival, I got more material for my partying book. I was reminded how annoying people are. More people = more annoying people. Though I don't mind dancing with and fist bumps with cute guys. But honestly every five minutes someone would approach me, annoying. I probably have less tolerance since I'm aging, though I didn't have much to begin with. I got in the first row at the Pendulum set

My partying book is at 8,300 words. I accepted a commission based job running a network of 10 websites so I had to stop work on the book while I prepare for that. I'm basically programming automation so maintaining the websites won't take much time at all. I still plan on doing all my other projects and websites. Recently I added a website to my personal portfolio, it's another music oriented website. The network of websites I'm managing is in a niche I'm already in (not music) so hopefully with 10 additional websites I can experiment more to find out what gets the best results.

You probably don't care but it's my blog so fuck off if you don't like it.

Hopefully I'll get to back to writing my new book soon.
Posted at 04/03/2020 05:39:33 UTC 42 comments
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